Father's Day Service June 18th
来る日曜日は父の日です!! 午前10:30からの父の日の礼拝と、バーベキューにぜひご参加ください。 This Sunday it's FATHER'S DAY!! Come along to our Father's Day Service & BBQ here at church from 10:30am.
We will have a special service with praise, testimonies and prayer.
Mother's Day Service & BBQ
On May 14th, we will have a BBQ for Mother's Day. Please invite your friends.
Happy Easter!
4月16日は、イースター礼拝です。持ち寄りランチでイースターを祝います。一人 1 品、家族であれば 2 品お持ちください。
April 16th is Easter Sunday.
Makito Nagasawa is visiting from Kumamoto Chuo Bible Church. Let’s welcome him. We will also have communion today.we are having a potluck lunch, to celebrate Easter. If you are single, please bring one dish, or two dishes if you are a family.
イースター礼拝は 午前10時30分からです。
Easter worship service is from 10:30 am.
Church will provide special lunch.
( pizza, rice, fried chicken, salad, cake, boiled eggs )
Please invite your friends and family to celebrate Easter.