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 Happy Easter! 


 Worship start  10:30am〜

Easter worship service

& special lunch

We are waiting for your visit at a special lunch.


🐣About Easter

イースターとは、私たちの罪の為に十字架にかけられ亡くなったイエス キリストが、その三日目に復活されたことを祝う「復活祭」です。



今年 2019年は4月21日がイースターの日となります。

私たちと一緒に、教会でイースターをお祝いして、イエス キリストが復活された意味を是非知って下さい。

Easter is when we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and celebrate His resurrection from the dead. This is central to our Christian faith. 
This year, Easter Sunday falls on April 21st.
Please come and celebrate Easter with us, as we learn about its significance in our lives. 

🍴 Lunch




信徒の方は、一人 1 品、家族であれば 2 品お持ちください。


We will have a potluck lunch 🍕. 

If you are coming on your own, please bring one dish; or two dishes if you are coming as a family.

Please invite your friends. 💖

🙏 good friday

There are no church events on Good Friday, but let’s spend time reflecting on what Jesus did for us.✨

今年のGood Fridayの、教会行事はございません。




You can watch the Sunday Service online. You can access this via youtube 🎬


April 14 is Palm  Sunday. 🌴

April 18 is Maundy Thursday. 🍞🍷

April 19 is Good Friday.  ✝️

April 20 is Holy Saturday. 💧

April 21 is Easter Sunday. ✨

 Worship start  10:30am〜


Download the flyer (PDF).

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