1934 Born in Hyogo Prefecture. Later, while he was in Hyogo Prefecture’s Agriculture Forest Academy, he was baptized in Akashi Christ Church.
He graduated from the Central Bible Seminary in Tokyo.
In 1959, he became the pastor of Kohama Christ Church in Osaka City
In 1960, he joined the mission as a missionary in Okinawa and planted churches while Okinawa was still under American governance.
In 1978, Pastor Nagasawa joined Kumamoto Bible Church. He is currently senior pastor in Kumamoto Bible Church and also teaches at Kumamoto YMCA. Previously he was chairman of the Central Bible Seminary in Tokyo.
1934年 兵庫県に生まれる。
1959年 大阪市の粉浜基督教会に赴任。
1960年 アメリカ施政権時代の沖縄に、宣教師として開拓伝道に従事。
現在、熊本聖書教会主管牧師、熊本YMCA学院講師 元中央聖書神学校理事長
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts17:11 (NIV)